Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Top News Sources

My first choice for receiving news information is Twitter. Every morning, after I wake up, I get dressed and ready for the day. I usually follow this by eating breakfast. While eating breakfast, I like to scroll through Twitter to get a dose of the daily news. Although I use Twitter to get a good laugh and see what my peers are up to, I mostly use it to get an instant look at what is happening in not only the United States but also around the world. I mostly enjoy reading about current events, especially political and weather-related events. Since Twitter has a character limit of 280, these posts are easy to read and provide me with information quickly! My second option for receiving news is Facebook. Even though Facebook is becoming less and less popular among people my age, I like to follow certain news pages that provide interesting articles about current topics today. Sometimes, I enjoy using various news apps that I’ve downloaded on my phone like USA Today and News Break. Sometimes, I even like to look at the apple news app that is pre-downloaded on the iPhone. All these apps are super convenient to have because I’m able to set up notifications and receive alerts on my phone for whenever there is a breaking news story. My least used source for news would have to be television. Although I don’t watch a lot of television at school, when I am home, my parents have it on almost all the time, so I like to watch it with them.

In the second semester of my junior year, I studied abroad through a program called Semester at Sea where most of my time was spent on a boat in the middle of the ocean. While abroad, I didn’t have much access to the internet. The Wi-Fi the ship provided us was very standard and basically only allowed us to receive and send emails. At times, this was frustrating, especially when you are someone like me and like to stay on top of what’s going on in the world. I soon realized that in order to stay informed, I would have to sign up for a news service. I wasn’t looking for anything fancy and didn’t want to pay, so I decided to ask some of my peers on the ship and see if they knew of anything. Once they suggested a free service called theSkimm, I immediately signed up! TheSkimm soon became my favorite part about waking up in the morning. Every business day, sometime before 10:00 AM, I would get an email from theSkimm. I really enjoyed this news source because it broke down difficult topics and put them into fun and simple ways of understanding them. It would prepare me for my day in minutes with the news from back home (United States) and around the world, which was nice because I was traveling all over the world!

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