Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Political Cartoon

Political cartoons are meant to be funny and ironic but at the same time informative and somewhat persuasive. The main purpose of a political cartoon is to make the person viewing it reflect upon the political issue being presented. They are also created in hopes of swaying people towards the illustrator’s views. Although I haven’t created my political cartoon yet, I have already planned out how I will design it. I have learned a lot about the negative effects of plastic on our marine life and the strong impact it has on tourism and economies in various countries. Numerous efforts from many different countries are being taken in order to protect the Earth’s marine life but human pollution is tough to fight. The garbage we currently produce, especially plastic, is not only ending up in our oceans but also into the stomachs of fish. Fish that we consume! According to many scientists and their findings, most of the seafood sold in markets have been found to have a disturbing amount of plastic inside of them.

Deciding what to create for my political cartoon came quick and easy for me. I wanted to make my cartoon fun and interesting to look at while also allowing the people viewing it to understand what is being shown. Therefore, I would draw a fish and place it on top of a dinner table with a clear view of the inside of its stomach, and inside of its stomach, would be plastic garbage like water bottles and straws. I would draw this for my political cartoon because I want viewers to receive the message that pollution in our oceans has become a global crisis. I think this cartoon idea would be effective and also ironic because it shows people that our pollution is effecting ourselves first-hand, which causes viewers to look deeper into the issue of pollution and be more aware of their actions. There are many seafood eaters out there, including myself, and if we continue pollution at the rates they are we could eventually have more plastic in our oceans than we do fish! So how can we phase the consumption of plastic out of our lifestyles? There are many ways we can reduce consumption but some include spreading the word, quit drinking bottled water, shop with reusable shopping bags, and recycle properly.

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